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Softball T-Ball Single A Triple A Majors Juniors
Season Start Date May 18 May 18 April 27 April 27 NA
League Age 5-6 6-8 9-11 11-12 13-14
Roster Size 8-9 9-10 11-12 11-12 11-12
Games per/week 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2
Practice per/week 1 2 2 2 2
Team Formation Buddies Buddies Draft Draft Draft
Team Formation Practice No No Yes Yes Yes
Pitching Tee/Coach Coach Player Player Player
Standings No No Yes Yes Yes
Scores No No Yes Yes Yes
Umpires No No Yes Yes Yes
Field Size 38/50 45/60 45/60 45/60 45/60
Softball Size Tee 11 11 11 12

What is the league age of my child? 

Check the chart below that shows what age your child is for the upcoming season.  If you have any questions of where your child should be playing, in order for them to have the best possible experience, don't hesitate to reach out to [email protected].


T-Ball is for boys and girls 5-6 years old who want to learn the fundamentals of hitting and fielding. In T-Ball, players hit a ball off a batting tee. Rules of the game are designed to accommodate the need for teaching. As a non-competitive division, the primary goals of T-Ball are to instruct children in the fundamentals of baseball/softball, to allow them to experience the value of teamwork and give them the opportunity to play on a team with their friends.

Single A

Single A Softball is for 6-8 year olds who are working on hitting from a pitched ball as well as still learning the fundamentals of hitting and fielding. 8 year olds may play Triple A upon approval from the player agent. In Single A, players hit pitched balls from coaches. Rules of the game are designed to accommodate the need for teaching. As a non-competitive division, the primary goals of Single A are to instruct children in the fundamentals of softball, to allow them to experience the value of teamwork and give them the opportunity to play softball with their friends.

Triple A

Triple A Softball ball is for 9-11 year olds who are transitioning from machine/coach pitched play to batting against opposing youth pitchers. Triple A softball is Holland Little League's highest competitive softball division in the minor division. As a competitive division, the primary goals of minors softball are to create a fair and balanced competition throughout the division and provide an opportunity for team and individual skills development.


Majors Softball is for 11-12 year olds who are refining all the skills they have been building up in the minor divisions in this next stage of competitive softball. Majors softball is also known as the Little League Softball Division. As a competitive division, the primary goals of majors softball are to create a fair and balanced competition throughout the division, provide an opportunity for team and individual skills development and stage the players for much higher levels of play.

Junior League (please see Holland Recreation's page for more info)

Juniors Softball is not offered by our Little League.  It is for 13-14 year olds (7th and 8th grade) who are honing their abilities at the highest levels of competition. Juniors softball is played using a standard high school diamond with a typical pitching distance. As a competitive division, the primary goals of juniors softball are to provide the players an opportunity to take their game to the next level in preparation for most competitive arenas of youth softball such as high school and Senior Little League

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