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Holland Little League

Holland Little League


Thinking about coaching?

HLL is always looking for more COACHES.  If you have any interest in coaching (or know someone who might interested) please reach out to [email protected]. Coaches are not required to have kids in the league. Many choose to coach for the love of the game.

Nervous that you don't know how to coach?  Don't worry! We offer a training clinic, one on one mentoring, as well as loads of training materials and videos from Little League University and other sources. 

2025 Tentative Upcoming Coaching Dates:

Mar. 1st or 2nd - Coaches Clinic
Drafted (Majors - age 11-12, AAA - age 9-10, AA - age 8)
  • Mar 8th- Team Formation Practices
  • Mar. 15th - Pre-season Coach Meeting and Player Draft (after team formation practice time slot for each division)
  • Mar. 24th - Coaches reach out to players
  • Mar 31st - Practice begins
  • Apr. 26th - Opening Day
  • Jun. 14th - Home Run Derby
Undrafted (A - age 7, T-Ball - age 5-6)
  • Apr. 20th - Pre-season Coach Meeting @ 8pm (virtual meeting)
  • Apr. 21st - Coaches reach out to players (the week of Apr. 21st)
  • Apr. 28th - Practice begins
  • May 17th - Opening Day
  • Jun. 28th - End of Season Celebration

All Star Team (Majors and AAA)
  • These teams will be based on league coach recommendation for tryout opportunity
  • If you would like to be considered as an All Star coach please email [email protected]
  • May 17th - Tryouts and selection
  • Late June/Early July - Tournament games begin


All Coaches and Assistant Coaches are required to complete concussion training and abuse awareness training, as well as pass a background check. 

All Concussion training is handled by 

Please create accounts on these sites and email [email protected] with the completion information. 

All coaches interested in coaching in the International Tournament (All-Stars) also must take the Diamond Leader training.
HLL recommends that all coaches take this training even if they do not plan to coach in the post-season.  



Use any time players are swinging bats, are around others with bats or running bases.


Watch your players carefully at all times.

Bats and Balls

No player should pick up a bat or ball unless a supervising adult has said it is OK. Players should never throw to another player unless that player is looking.

Be Cautious

If you don't think your players are ready for a particular drill, just choose another. You can also vary drills to ensure safety by rolling grounders instead of hitting fly balls, using soft-core or tennis balls instead of baseballs.


Any time more than one player is swinging a bat or throwing a ball, make sure there is plenty of distance between everyone. Structure practice so that there will never be players from one drill running through another to chase loose balls, etc. Players not actively participating should be stationed in protected areas.

First Aid 

Always carry a first-aid kit and instant ice packs. Keep parent and emergency phone numbers handy in case of more serious injuries.
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